October 07, 2009


Doublethink is defined as: “The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them”.
This is mainly why I am here.

I am trying to hold one of the thoughts generators residing in my head right here as an attempt to be more clear and direct about what I think and how I feel in general.
This confusion has spread all over my brain like a tumor, it’s like I am becoming unsure of what I want and what I need regarding everything around me. Music, movies, people, jobs, religion, appearance, and the list goes on and on.

I expect this to be a mess to be honest. I may write a long post about how much I hate dogs someday, and then negate that in a different post different day. Back in college, my roommate once wrote on the wall “S.S.D.D” which he explained later that it summarizes our lives at that time.

“Same Shit, Different Day”

Likewise, I want to have the “same” flow of thoughts that leads me to the “same” conclusion anytime I think about something. Sounds easy for you eh? lucky bastards.

1 comment:

  1. i suffer from a slightly similar problem, adding to that brainstorming about rubbish things, i feel down each day that passes while i am not utilizing my mental powers..
